The poem lamb is one of the poem from William Blake collection ‘’songs of innocence’’. He has presented the figure of lamb before us as innocent, mild and generous. In this poem the poet has revealed the very compassionate heart and the mind. He presents the lamb as the symbol of truth and innocence in the poem. He presents his ideas through the figure of a mild and innocent lamb. Critical analysis, appreciation, themes summary of the poem lamb by William Blake is documentary of Christ’s innocence and God’s kindness.

Summary of the poem Lamb by William Blake

Critical analysis, appreciation or summary of the poem Lamb that has been written by William Blake reveals innocence, it is directly linked with Christ who is Lamb because Lamb has soft heart as well as wool on his body , it seems that Christ is soft by heart as well as bodily. The poem is about the conversation of a cherub or a little child about the creation of the little innocent lamb. The state of the innocence is portrayed with the image of the innocent lamb and the innocent lamb. The nature of the child is mild and innocent. He is asking about the creation of the Lamb and the existence of the Lamb in the world. The child asks the lamb that who has given him the life and the food by the riversides. He also asks about the clothes and other comforts provided to him in the world. He inquires about his tender voice that fills the environment with the joy and happiness. He insists to know about the creation of the lamb. He tries to identify the God in the innocence of the lamb. Now the tone of the poem changes to be affirmative nature. He says that I can see the reflection of your creator in your image. He identifies himself with you. He attributes his innocent nature and the mildness of the lamb towards the creator. He tries to answer his own question that we both are created by the God. We both are produced in this world to spread innocence and mildness. We both are created by the God. God has created you little lamb with these innocent traits.

Background of the poem Lamb by William Blake and critical analysis

The poem has been written under the title of the collection ‘’songs of innocence’’. The poem deals with his major subject of the theory of contrariness. William Blake has tried to impart the sense of childhood and innocence through the figure of the child and the figure of a lamb. Poet has intended to question and answer about the creation of the lamb through the figure of the lamb and the child. Only a child is capable of such innocence and can question about the harsh realities in a very mild tone and mild behavior. In his collection he has expressed his ideas about the state of the innocence. The poet is trying to portray the theme of the innocence and gentleness.

Main idea of the poem

The poem is purely about the state of innocence. The poem is about the impression of the poet to investigate about the realities of the world. He is of the view that the world seems to be place of innocence to a child. The poet praises the Christ for his creative nature and profound abilities. The poet has portrayed the figure of the Christ as the passionate, mild, innocent and the loving creature of the world. The main focus of the poet is about the tender attributes of the Christ and he praises him for this mild attributes of the innocence.

Biblical representation of the lamb

The lamb is the biblical representation of the Christ because of the tender and mild nature of the poet. The poet identifies the gentleness of the innocent animal with that of the tender nature of the Christ.

Themes in the Poem lamb by William Blake

The poem lamb develops into several thematic concerns. The poet gives the theme of religion, morality and innocence in the poem. He also uses to praise the attributes of the God.

Theme of the appreciation of the attributes of the God

The poet has used the gentle tone and mildness as the characteristics of the Christ. He has portrayed the figure of the Christ as the pure and genuine person. He identifies the image of the child with that of the Christ.

Theme of innocence as the central idea of the poem

Theme of innocence as the central idea of the poem, there is no doubt about it. The poet gives the ideas about the innocence and the mildness of the lamb to demonstrate about the tender nature of the lamb. He sees the objects of the world as the source of gentleness and innocence. The conversation between the child and the lamb demonstrates the tender nature of the lamb. The child wants to know about the reality of the creation of the lamb. He inquires about the creation of the lamb and about his creator. He praises the lamb for having the tender and beautiful voice that spreads the joy and happiness around him. He asks him about the possessions which he was awarded by his creator. The second stanza of the poem comes to give the details about the creator. The child himself tells to lamb about his creation. He adores him for being created by God.

Theme of religion

Blake is often regarded as the mystic of his modern world. He takes the religion as the major theme of his poetry. He used to highlight the modern and religious concepts in his poems. The creation of the world and the all things is totally a religious affair and of high importance. The poet raises the question about the creation of a innocent object of the world. The animals are considered as the powerful and the forceful creatures but here the poet focuses on the tenderness and the beauty of the lamb. He has associated the creation of the lamb to the existence of the Christ. He has written this poem under the title of the religious affair and to commemorate the gentleness and morality spread by the Christ.

Lamb is a symbolic poem

The lamb is highly symbolic poem. The lamb is the symbol of the innocence beauty and the morality. The poet portrays the figure of a young tender lamb in order to feature him as the embodiment of gentle values. The child is also symbol of the innocence and the tenderness. The conversation between the lamb and the child is also symbolic. It refers towards the inquiry about the creation of the world. In short,Critical analysis, appreciation, themes summary of the poem lamb by William Blake is documentary of Christ’s innocence and God’s kindness

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