Religious or

Ecclesiastical Character The Prioress Character Analysis in Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

When we talk about Religious or Ecclesiastical Characters in Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, the character of the Prioress Canterbury Tales comes in first in woman category and can be analysed in various perspectives in Canterbury Tales. The manner in which Chaucer has described it is very worth praising. This character shows the “Decline of the Church’ as well as the religion, there is only texture and gimmick in religion, act has been vanished from the lives of the people ,there is nothing called to be the outstanding in religion. The manner in which, ”The Prioress” has shown us, her food and drinking manners are not a disaster but a disaster of religion.

“At table she had been well taught withal,
And never from her lips let morsels fall,
Nor dipped her fingers deep in sauce, but ate(10)
With so much care the food upon her plate
That never driblet fell upon her breast.
In courtesy she had delight and zest.
Her upper lip was always wiped so clean
That in her cup was no iota seen”

The prioress role is very much coy and keen satire on religious agents. The prioress character is not merely delineation of any person in Canterbury tales but also a way of satirizing on religious departments. As we know, the prioress is head of the nun. This is a poet who is the first to makes a statement about her smile, in fact her smile is a satire “There was also a nun, a prioress,
Who, in her smiling, modest was and coy;
Her innocent smiling face proves that there is a presence of males in front of her. And it is usually considered that the smile of any young girl proves that there is a male company in front of her. Same way, whatever the poet suggests that, her shy or coy  smile prove that there should be males in front of her. “And certainly she was of great disport And full pleasant, and amiable of port And went to many pains to put on cheer Of court, and very dignified appear, And to be thought worthy of reverence. ”But, to say something of her moral sense .Her name is ”Madam Eglantine”, is actually ironical statement because Eglantine is a wild rose seems to be unexpected for her because such names used to be in romantic stories. “By Saint Eloy! ”And she was known as Madam Eglantine.”

“There was also a nun, a prioress,
Who, in her smiling, modest was and coy;
Her greatest oath was but “By Saint Eloy!”
And she was known as Madam Eglantine.”

That puts us our ideas in doubtfulness about her chaste because love affairs,cheating,marriage and sexual pleasure are not parts of monastic life.Her name reveals that she may be indulge in any romance. She wears a locket around his neck, on which was written , ‘Love conquer all’.This means that it is not “Divine Love” but it is for towards “Worldly Love”.

And from there hung a brooch of golden sheen(40)
On which there was first written a crowned “A,”
And under, Amor Vincit Omnia.

Her eating manners, sitting on top of her table, shows that she belongs to an aristocrat clan because such a life is not a bed of stage; she is very unaware from a life of troublfulness and she has never seen a life of suffering, then who has opened her eyes to a rich family How can she spend a hard life, it seems that she is just performing formality at all.

Religious or Ecclesiastical Character The Prioress Contrast With The Wife of Bath:-

The character of the Prioress is come to under harsh ironical way when we are told that the way of her charity is on animals more than humans being, she feeds to animals that is consist of very different kind of food, which the ordinary humans being of that era did not have.

“She had some little dogs, too, that she fed
On roasted flesh, or milk and fine white bread.
But sore she’d weep if one of them were dead,
Or if men smote it with a rod to smart:”

But contrary of it, an other character the “Wife of Bath” suggests that she is also contrast of this character the thing comes to close us that so much charity is done by”Wife of Bath”, if anyone offered charity more than her then she would get annoyed with him,but such a compassion is lack of inside of that character that name is The Prioress .But she spends her money on animals instead of humans being,and it has become the motto of her charity.In the Wife of Bath and The Prioress  character we find out two various elements . One is a religious  woman and the other is whore but whore is doing prioress duty having been a red letter lady,on the other hand religious lady is busy in extravagant.

As far as the prioress character in Canterbury Tales is concerned, she appears a piece of laughter for us but inwardly she is keen satire on church life that days. The life of the prioress is often filled with miseries and she preaches that we should spend simple life but she does not do so. There is no question of having any nefarious thing in a sacred place like Church but she gets pets( dogs)“She had some little dogs, too, that she fed On roasted flesh, or milk and fine white bread “which is too prohibited in church. It is also believed that in the lives of men and women are related to the churches, they lead simple life, yet within this topic we get a sense that any such attitude never ever are adopted by the prioress. The prioress breaks all such voices and customs, she rebels against in addition to ”Church’s” life. She has been portrayed as modern woman herself boycotts old ideas and wears new type clothes. ”For, truth to tell, she was not undergrown. Full stylish was her cloak, I was aware. Of coral small about her arm she’d bear.” We get to know when the writer talks about her physical appearance.

“Her nose was straight, her eyes as grey as glass,
Her mouth full small, and also soft and red;
But certainly she had a fair forehead;
It was almost a full span broad, I own,

That is also done on satirical way,When the writer talks about her forehead,he tells that her forehead is a very wide as span.Whenever the writer expresses her forehead that is always unveil and no” Nun” keeps her forehead unveils because that has been considered to be unholy.The prioress never minds about that case and considers that is not unholy that is part of life

 So, at least but not last, we can say that the prioress is open minded lady who is away from monastic life or its hardships. She has been brought up upper class family and does not know that how to live a simple. However, it is necessary that a monastic person should live simple life because common man may get lesson by him/her. As Chaucer himself suggests that in an other place that is under below:- 

“. . . . . .  …..If gold rusts . .  …………….what shall iron do

“Same is the case is here ,she does not care any holy things ,she goes against monastic life. Thus, end of the discussion we can conclude that the Character of the prioress in Canterbury tales can be analyzed very much by the poet, that is why it is famous that Chaucer’s realism is not match able than any one.

Religious or Ecclesiastical Characters The Clerk in Prologue to the Canterbury Tales:-

This is a poor clerk of Chaucer in his The Prologue Canterbury Tales, he is also an ideal character of Chaucer with help of him we will know how is renaissance spirit is curling towards  England , the character of clerk is symbol of lot of  things at once time. He is role model for corrupts and dishonest clergy men, at this very same time he is symbol of patient, second moment he shows up as poor as Chaucer’s lower middle class is, at the same time he is symbol of renaissance in himself. The Clerk Character and Summary in Canterbury Tales narrates that there is poor clerk who is hope against hope, he is a character in which Chaucer wants to tell us everything is not worst in his age rather there are some men who are role model for religious life as well as secular life. By some extent, we can say that he is symbol of Parson’s youth , in his  youth time Parson was very much fond of learning this thing we get by his tale. With the help of clerk tale  Chaucer wants to tell us the learning passion is not die so far as. There are such people that are busy in learning.  If Merchant’s  character is representative is business class and the clerk is representative of learning class and I have told been that in Parson character …….It is very common quotation is that ‘wealth is property of the rich whereas the knowledge is property of the poor,’ and it can be seen in the shape the poor parson , he is learned man , he has studies by university and he is also expert of Gospel. It is very strange for us how is possible higher studies is only important for the poor and the rich are far away from studies. In this the poor parson is exceptional character of Chaucer’s age. The clerk Character , indeed, is revolt against the monastic characters that have been represented by Chaucer, like ,the friar, the monk, the prioress, the summoner all of them are opposite about him because they are indulged in worldly enjoyment rather he is doing real practice that the Christ had been told us.

The Clerk Character and Summary in Canterbury Tales is described by Chaucer in this way,  he takes first of all his profession in his hand, he narrates that by profession he is clerk in ecclesiastical (church) and it is no wonder for us in that age, the church had very much influence on the life of the man, no doubt, the church had been fulfilled with dishonest men but there is poor clerk who is hope against hope, he is a character in which Chaucer wants to tell us everything is not worst in his age rather there are some men who are role model for religious life as well as secular life.

The clerk always comes to see in busy in his studies, it seems that he has firm faith in studying after God, his studies are not merely worldly rather it is based on logical as well as reasoning. He knows very well how to live a peaceful and content life along with religious life.

>CLICK HERE FOR The Ploughman Character and Summary in Canterbury Tales

As we know that he is poor and his poverty can be seen when Chaucer says about his horse, he looks like rake,  this reveals his poverty , he cannot buy healthy horse for himself, this not enough is for his poverty , he is also weak and thin in physical structure , as we have been seen in the case of monk who is too fat due having taken much more food and bribery by people. Poor clerk is not poor by food items rather he has not proper clothes to wearing that are complete and without threadbare. He is not fond of  luxurious  clothes , fiddle, or psaltery instead of it he gives importance to Aristotle’s philosophy. That is all confirm evidences that he is symbol of middle class and servant of the church. Because that Chaucer’s time , there was no concept of salary to giving clerk while on the other hand the others officials took heavy bribery from the people , here  Chaucer unconsciously wants to throw light the problems of poor clerk.

The clerk character is one of the Religious or “Ecclesiastical characters in Prologue to the Canterbury Tales” who is not greedy , he never ever runs behind worldly wealth because he considers he has very much wealth in the shape of religious wealth. His religious interests are very clear when Chaucer speaks up he has no gold in his box but his companions are busy in colleting gold while his words are pack up of gold and diamonds. His rooms has no pillow but the 20books from it he takes under his head . How is he fond of studies ? this can be seen whenever he gets money from his friend he spends his money on buying booking instead of any thing so that he may increase his knowledge as well as learning .This  shows that he has a renaissance spirit in himself .

The clerk character is a man who is thankful all the time of his friends that give him money for buying books on Aristotle points of view, he prays for them those give him money .He also a witty man he knows very well where he should speak and there should not.

At the end, Chaucer informs us about his talking style, his way of thinking, way observing, way of conveying his ideas towards others, he is witty and runs with time, he knows where does do what and where is nothing. He offers words exact time , exact on exact time.

In short, we “The Clerk Character and Summary in Canterbury Tales” give the whole picture of social, religious, and economical conditions.

Ecclesiastical Characters The Parson in Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

“The Parson Character and Summary in Canterbury Tales” is very much vivid and clear, he is not complex character rather he is simple character, and supposed to be Chaucer ideal character, perhaps, the ideal is one from the whole “The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales”. The Parson Character , indeed, is revolt against the monastic characters that have been represented by Chaucer, like ,the friar, the monk, the prioress, the summoner all of them are opposite about him because they are indulged in worldly enjoyment rather he is doing real practice that the Christ had been told us.

The Parson Character and Summary in Canterbury Tales can felt that he is vacant by worldly wealth but he is rich by holy thoughts. Actually, he is poor man but he is spiritually rich, his soul is image of Christ. It is very common quotation is that ‘wealth is property of the rich whereas the knowledge is property of the poor,’ and it can be seen in the shape the poor parson , he is learned man , he has studies by university and he is also expert of Gospel. It is very strange for us how is possible higher studies is only important for the poor and the rich are far away from studies. In this the poor parson is exceptional character of Chaucer’s age.

In the time of adversity he never ever shows any panic rather he considers it is will of God. He seems to statue of patient and embodiment of true saint, he looks like father. His morals quotations are light in the dark. In his speech , he often says that “if gold rust, what shal iren do?” means that if a religious person does not act on the ways of God then from the common man, we can not have any expectations he would do well and virtuous in his life, once again he narrates that ” For a preest be foul, on whom we truste, no wonder is a lewedman to ruste, and shame it is, if a prest take keep , a shiten shepherede and clene sheep. Wel oughte a preest ensample for to yive, by his clennesse, how that his sheep solde lyve.”

The Character of Parson is compatible with knights in many ways because in world of religion he safes his parishioners by enemies whereas the knight safes his companions by enemies in secular world. He is virtuous in world of ecclesiastical rather he is famous in secular as well as battlefield.

Parson’s character is very much lucid in Canterbury Tales whenever we meet his inner emotions, he meets every one, either poor or rich ,he never ever leaves in the lurch to any parishioners. He goes to on feet for visiting his parishioners only with his stick in hand. He sets high morals in his life for other so that others may get lesson for them. He usually claims that a priest or clergyman first he himself acts upon the advice then he should advise to his parishioners.

So far as, “The Parson is on of the best characters in “Ecclesiastical or religiuos Prologue to the Canterbury Tales” informs us that he is not greedy character likes the friar, the monk, the pardoner rather he is very honest man, never ever runs behind the wealth, he does not leave his followers in behind him for the sake of money because he knows very well about his followers may sink in the flood of sins, therefor, he never ever leaves his followers in alone in the hand of destiny. His attentions are fix on his parish as well as his parishioners, he does not tries to earn extra money for himself because he has lot of opportunities having earn money making as a priest or clergyman.

In Chaucer’s time there was a system the people donated the tax in the form of tithes, tithes means is a tax which is imposed on the people that have land or earn money by lands , they are bound to pay tax on his income that they have earned by his lands. The Parson does not force his followers to pay the tax at right time rather he himself pays the tax if one could not pay it. Like wise the friar and the pardoner he never threats his parishioners rather he consoles them and aids them by his personal income.

The Parson Character in Canterbury Tales is symbol of the patient, kind hearted and religion. His kind heartedness and patient can be seen in his life, in adversity he shows no sign of haughty and callous whenever he deals with with sinner he does not adopt the way of hard and uncivilized rather he listens their conversations with carefully and heartily, he speaks as honey, his words carry the meaning for sinners whenever they listen his speech they feel themselves in heaven. On the other hand, a sinner is stick to his sin then he rebukes very badly him so that he may leave the sin.

It is very common ground for every one, if a man gets a lot of knowledge he definitely suffers in arrogant, he/she considers above the all, but this thing we hardly finds out in the poor parson’s character. He does not feels himself or his existence is better than others and he has no pride and prejudice in himself, he considers himself the sins of house to him. He does not admit, he is purge from sin, he thinks that he has the same sins that have others.

Having read the above discussion, we can say that The Parson Character and Summary in Canterbury Tales is informed us the age of Chaucer, what was going on that era in religion and church was supreme for the life of the people. The people knew that in church there was corruption on the peak although they went church and give tax and they knew that hey had somehow pure parson yet.

The Monk Character in Canterbury Tales

Religious orEcclesiastical Characters The Monk in Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

The monk character in Canterbury Tales is treated with ironical way, by Chaucer unveils the the corrupt mask of the religion, his character is no more than a satire on religion. In Chaucer’s time the church was a powerful institution as well as medium of speech. And the same monk is related with church area. The monk character is actually symbol of downfall of religion life, in Canterbury Tales he is not what should be him, he is is totally opposite the life of church, he loves secular life instead o church The manner in which Chaucer has described it is very worth praising. This character shows the “Decline of the Church” as well as the religion ,there is only texture and gimmick in religion, act has been vanished from the lives of the people ,there is nothing called to be the outstanding in religion.

The monk character is delineated in ironical as well as satirical way, his physical appearance is not fit for monastic status, if we remember the character of poor clerk then we feel he is lean and weak but also his horse is too weak which reveals that he is poor and takes pain his work but on the other hand the monk is fat and loves to eating which is totally oppose to monastic life but her whose cares.

The Monk Character in Canterbury Tales

Religious or Ecclesiastical Characters The Monk in Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

In Canterbury Tales the monk is on target of Chaucer’s keen satire, he is delineated with ironic way because he has not  Real  Monk’s  passion rather he is involve in worldly pleasure. Actually, the actual monk remains in busy in remembrance of God, he divorces to world and gets marry his monastery, for him the world is nothing but monastery is everything. The first group of monk was emerge on the surface of the earth on Northern Egypt in early 14 century. Al the members of this groups do not meet before prayer, they live altogether but do not meet yet remain in busy in God‘s remembrance. On the other hand, Chaucer’s monk is not like that he breaks all traditions customs and norms about  the monk’ s life and takes participate in worldly pleasure, for instance, he loves eating, hunting, riding, gossiping, have hounds for hunting , he spends lot of money on costly clothes, he likes expenses horses and he has all of them in his stable etc.

How does he break old norms ? This can be seen when he ignores the rules St. Maure and St. Benedict . When St. Benedict says in his text if a monk hunts , he will be consider the un holy man but he does not care about his text and creates his own rule and makes his ne w world he loves hunting. St. Benedict also suggests that when a monk is in monastery he should be like fish out of water, it means the monk ‘s soul  demands all the time the water of God’s remembrance but he understands all of this mere a old fashion and a monk  should also aware of outside. St. Augustine says a monk should be perform drudgery,  if he does not do so  how he will served to world . Chaucer also in ironical way narrates that he   should not very much studies if he does then he will be mad and why should he all the time live in his cloister and why should he sweat in studies and drudgery his hands. It seems that Chaucer sit beside him and is giving favour but in fact he is doing in ironical manners. He forgets the doctrine of St. Augustine.

As far as the monk character is concerned in this Canterbury Tales  Chaucer has no hesitation about telling his hobby  he has two hobbies galloping the horse and hunting the hares  and for them he  does not any care about money, here, means that he is very extravagance who is against the clergy man’s conduct. His extravagance is not end here when we see him he wears a hood under his chin and pin is in gold and the same pin we see that a love knot, love knot surprises us a clergy man has a love knot which is a clear cut indicate that he is involve in worldly love the love of woman instead of God’s love. He has desire love making as well as sexual that is against the life of clergy man or an Eccliastical character.

The Pardoner Character in Canterbury Tales

Ecclesiastical Characters in Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

The pardoner is a man who listens the confession of the sinner and after hearing confession he consoles this sinner in this manner a man satisfies with him God is merciful and he hundred and 10 percent will forgive him if he will not do so next time. But the same friar says that the people should pay money to him so that they may take redemption , it means he is spreading evils for his worldly purposes .The Pardoner is a ecclesiastical character in Canterbury Tales the religion can be seen by this character, we are not spurring having seen the corrupt conduct of the pardoner, the pardoner makes fool to selling fake and fool things but this era people had faith on religion and attended the church regularly having known the church officials were corrupt and had worldly mind. The Pardoner character in Canterbury Tales is treated with satirical way, by Chaucer unveils the the corrupt mask of the religion, his character is no more than a satire on religion. In fact he is cheater and exploits to the poor people in church as well as outside the church. In Chaucer’s time the church was a powerful institution as well as medium of speech. And the same friar is related with church area. The pardoner character is actually symbol of downfall of religion life, in Canterbury Tales he is not what should be him, he is is totally opposite the life of church, he loves secular life instead to church .The manner in which Chaucer has described it is very worth praising. This character shows the “Decline of the Church” as well as the religion ,there is only texture and gimmick in religion, act has been vanished from the lives of the people ,there is nothing called to be the outstanding in religion.

This very pardoner came direct from the catholic court of Italy, he is companion of the Summoner or comrade, he is very well in singing the songs, his voice looks like the goat, his song often was “my dear beloved”! “come here to me.” he sings this song in this way no instrument or trumpet can not produce voice in this world that he makes in his low pitch way. After it , Chaucer talks about his hair style his hair are very smooth as the look press by iron. He does not use cap rather he shows his hair and his impression is that it is a new style a man should be bare head. His face impression portrays Chaucer as he is setting bedside of him and is seeing each and every thing then he informs us his his eyes look like a hare’s eyes. His face impression can be seen when he writes about his face which has no beard at all he also thinks that he should not have any beard because he has a female soul and the poet also reveals it when he says that the same pardoner looks like a feminine qualities and Chaucer also feels some trouble either he is mare or anything else.

So far as, The Pardoner Character in Canterbury Tales is concerned, he is very cleaver and cheater and it is no wonder for us when he is delineated, he sows on his cap the image of Christ so that the people may consider him as a holy man or its other aim is that it has been taken from St. Veronica when he had wiped out and Christ consoled him. he is very tricky and cheater, its prove we take , his wallet all the time fulfil with various items and he all the tie shows up his indulgences, certificates of pardoners that he has been got from Rome so that that people may impress by him he is certified man by Rome church. His is not ended here rather he makes fool to innocent people by saying that he has a case pillow which is our Holy mother Lady Virgin Mary. In that era people were innocent and firm faith on religion having been known that the corruption was in religious person. He also claims that he has a piece of sail or a canvas is usually used for stopping or catching the wind and the same piece of sail had been used by St. Perter when he was in position in drowned into water because he was walking on the sea water and he felt afraid and Christ picked up his hand. Indeed, it is a fraud and making fool to the people in buy claiming like as.

His show of conduct is going on in this tale, he wears a cross around his neck that is made of costly stones and brass, this is hypocrisy and wants to tell to the people he is real clergyman and love Christianity but in fact he loves to money when Chaucer says that he earns money by poor people that can been calculated in this sense he earns money in a single day by poor person, the poor earns in the two months.

In a ironical way Chaucer condemns him he is noble clergy man actual he is not he is exploiter of the people in his age.

The Friar Character in Canterbury Tales

Religious or Ecclesiastical Characters, The Friar in Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

The friar is a ecclesiastical character in Canterbury Tales the religion can be seen by this character, we are not spurring having seen the corrupt conduct of the friar, the friar makes fool to selling fake and fool things but this era people had faith on religion and attended the church regularly having known the church officials were corrupt and had worldly mind. The Friar character in Canterbury Tales is treated with ironical way, by Chaucer unveils the the corrupt mask of the religion, his character is no more than a satire on religion. In fact he is cheater and exploits to the poor people in church as well as outside the church. In Chaucer’s time the church was a powerful institution as well as medium of speech. And the same friar is related with church area. The friar character is actually symbol of downfall of religion life, in Canterbury Tales he is not what should be him, he is is totally opposite the life of church, he loves secular life instead to church .The manner in which Chaucer has described it is very worth praising. This character shows the “Decline of the Church” as well as the religion ,there is only texture and gimmick in religion, act has been vanished from the lives of the people ,there is nothing called to be the outstanding in religion.

The Summoner Character in Canterbury TALES

Religious or Ecclesiastical Characters, The Summoner in Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

Actually summoner is a man who is linked with church court, in Chaucer’s time which is called medieval age church had a powerful institution that made law and regulations. In church court the summoner calls out the siner, this is his duty but duty is only veil on him but real thing is for him the bribery that he takes by siner in favour in their cases The summoner is a ecclesiastical character in Canterbury Tales the religion can be seen by this character, we are not spurring having seen the corrupt conduct of the summoner, the summoner makes bribery from criminals and siners and gives favour to them, but in this era people had faith on religion and attended the church regularly having known the church officials were corrupt and had worldly mind. The summoner character in Canterbury Tales is treated with satirical way, by Chaucer unveils the the corrupt mask of the religion, his character is no more than a satire on religion. In fact he is cheater and exploits to the poor people in church as well as outside the church. In Chaucer’s time the church was a powerful institution as well as medium of speech. And the same summoner is related with church court. The summoner character is actually symbol of downfall of religion life, in Canterbury Tales he is not what should be him, he is totally opposite the life of court church, he loves secular life instead to church and court life .The manner in which Chaucer has described it is very worth praising. This character shows the “Decline of the Church” as well as the religion ,there is only texture and gimmick in religion, act has been vanished from the lives of the people ,there is nothing called to be the outstanding in religion.

He is a miser because when Chaucer tell us that  he eats cake in alone, his cake is described by Chaucer in this manner a read laughs hearing this ; he bears a round cake as a shield he exploits the people and offenders and takes bribe and takes guarantee that hey mighty be saved by punishment if they would bribe. Actually here Chaucer informs to us and makes representative his age telling that a minor official has enough corruption in his professional what will be condition in high official that time.

The summoner had learnt a few Latin term that he also got from the court where he did his job and he used in his conversation so that his conversation mighty be colorful however he did not know real meanings that terms and their sense of circumstances at all. In his conversation he usually used the term ” My question is “OR WHAT LAW APPLIES HERE

He is sensual by nature and loves to sex and win by his mouth description Chaucer tells us that he is lusty by nature his loud mouth shows sensual pleasure at all. His face is very much ugly and full of pimples the pimples are in red and whites color and Chaucer says that in this world no chemical is made that could cure his pimples by face, his face is as fearful as children are awful by his face and his eyes are very narrow and his eyebrows are affected by some disease . His beard has no hair means that hair are just by the the name only .

He is fond of strong wine , for the sake of wine he can leave any offender .

So far as, Religious or “Ecclesiastical Characters Prologue to the Canterbury Tales” are show that the corruption was on the top but some noble men were alive by them the faith of the people was alive otherwise it was a nightmare.

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